List of All Alliance Units
1 美国江浙工商总会 Jiangzhe Chamber of Commerce & Industry
2 纽约华人总商会 The New York Chinese Business Association
3 美国纽约温州同乡会Wen Chow Association Inc., New York, U.S.A
4 全美浙江总商会 U.S. Zhejiang General Chamber of Commerce
5 美国贵州同乡会 Guizhou American Association
6 全美江西同乡会 Jiangxi Kinship Association, USA
7 华人公益基金会 Chinese Non-Governmental Organization Foundation
8 美东河南同乡会 Henan Chinese Associates USA, Inc
9 美国温州工商总会 Zhejiang Wen Zhou Association of Industry & Commerce
11 全美华人侨团联合会 Federation of Chinese American Associations USA
12 美国永嘉同乡会 America NY WenZhou Yongjia Association, Inc.
13 台山社团 Taishan Association Inc
14 布鲁仑社联会 Brooklyn Community Improvement Association
15 世界爱心妇女总会 Global Chinese Women’s Cultural Association
16 美国丽圆旗袍协会 USA Liyuan Qipao Association
17 全美徽商联合会 American Anhui Business Association
18 美国爱迪斯体育文化交流中心 U.S. Eddies Sports & Culture Exchange Center
19 美国大华府温州工商会 Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce Greater Washington
20 纽约东北同乡会 New York Northeastern Chinese Association
21 纽约乐清同乡会 Yueqing Association of NY
22 美国闽南同乡联合总会 Minnan Association of USA, Inc.
23 美国闽南商会 Minnan General Chamber of Commerce of USA, Inc.
25 美国纽约华青总商会 New York Chinese Youth Business Association of US Inc.
26 美国上海同乡会 Shanghai Association in USA, Inc
27 哈密尼泊尔 Hami Nepali Global
28 美国陕西同乡会 American Shaanxi Alliance
29 美国广东侨社联合总会 American Guangdong Community Association
30 旅美上海同乡会 Shanghai Benevolent Associate of America
31 美国冲娄同乡总会 Chong Lou USA Headquarter Inc
32 美国天津总商会 Tianjin Commerce Associates USA
33 美国缅甸总商会 Chamber of Commerce Myanmar - U.S.
34 纽约黄鹤会 New York Yellow Crane Club
35 美国湖北同乡会 Hubei Association America Corp
36 美福清同乡联谊会 American Fuqing Association Inc
37 梁坤钿现代古典舞蹈团 Ashley Liang Dance Company, Inc.
38 广西总会 Chinese American Guanxi Federal Association
39 美中东盟总商会 American Chinese Asean Chamber
40 美国温州灵昆商会 Wenzhou Lingkun Chamber of Commerce USA
41 爱心接力基金会 Relay of Love Foundation
Jiangzhe Chamber of Commerce & Industry
The New York Chinese Business Association
Wen Chow Association Inc., New York, U.S.A
U.S. Zhejiang General Chamber of Commerce
Guizhou American Association
Jiangxi Kinship Association, USA
America Changle Association Inc
Henan Chinese Associates USA, Inc
Zhejiang Wen Zhou Association of Industry & Commerce
American Chinese Empowerment Association
Federation of Chinese American Associations USA
America NY WenZhou Yongjia Association, Inc.
Taishan Association Inc
Brooklyn Community Improvement Association
Global Chinese Women’s Cultural Association
USA Liyuan Qipao Association
American Anhui Business Association
U.S. Eddies Sports & Culture Exchange Center
Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce Greater Washington
New York Northeastern Chinese Association
Yueqing Association of NY
Minnan Association of USA, Inc.
Minnan General Chamber of Commerce of USA, Inc.
Sino-American Commerce Association
New York Chinese Youth Business Association of US Inc.
Shanghai Association in USA, Inc
Hami Nepali Global
American Shaanxi Alliance
American Guangdong Community Association
Shanghai Benevolent Associate of America
Chong Lou USA Headquarter Inc
Tianjin Commerce Associates USA
Chamber of Commerce Myanmar - U.S.
New York Yellow Crane Club
Hubei Association America Corp
American Fuqing Association Inc
Ashley Liang Dance Company, Inc.
Chinese American Guanxi Federal Association
American Chinese Asean Chamber
Wenzhou Lingkun Chamber of Commerce USA
Relay of Love Foundation
Chinese Non-Governmental Organization Foundation